Musical Devotion: "In My Heart" by Eric Grover

Musical Devotion: "In My Heart" by Eric Grover
Music arrangement by Teresa Thomas
(For my "what's happening in my life" personal update, click HERE!)

Greetings, Friends! 

Today's Musical Devotion is a song written by Eric Grover called "In My Heart"!  Before you worry and think I'm stealing someone else's song, I must tell you my arrangement's story!  Several years ago, Bob Kauflin of had a contest. Contestants were to choose a previously published SGM Music song (we had a list of songs to choose from) and we were to write a new arrangement for our song pick.  The one caveat -- we had to keep the same melody for the song within the new arrangement!  I thought it sounded like a fun challenge, so I decided to enter the competition!  I chose the song "In My Heart", by Eric Grover.  It's a song that I find deeply personal, and have used it as a prayer on many occasions.

But, before I share my arrangement with you, I would love for you to hear Eric's originally recorded arrangement* of the song: "In My Heart".
  I have always loved this arrangement, as well as its celtic influence! (Click on the "play button" underneath the title of the song at the top of the page to hear the original recording!)

My arrangement is somewhat different.  I felt the song is deeply contemplative, so I strove to write an arrangement that captured the heart of the lyrics.  I hope you enjoy both arrangements!

OH -- I can't remember at all what I placed in the contest, but I think I placed in the Top 5! (I absolutely hate contests - I did this for the challenge - not to win!)  Here is my version of the song, and probably one the greatest blessings was receiving a very nice compliment of my arrangement by Eric himself in the Youtube comments.  

So I present to you my arrangement of "In My Heart", by Eric Grover.  I hope you enjoy it!  

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